

Monday, March 8, 2010


Organic foods are supposed to be safe because of the special precautions taken by the producers to avoid using chemical fertilizers, pesticides, contaminated water, etc. Some organic food brands tend to claim that their products are superior to normal produce in terms of nutritional content. This has been rebutted by a few studies and in many countries such claims are not allowed.

Yet the AFSSA review calls the FSA's conclusions into question. After conducting an "up-to-date exhaustive and critical evaluation of the nutritional and sanitary quality of organic food," French researchers concluded that organic produce is clearly nutritionally superior. Organic produce contains more minerals, such as iron and magnesium, than non-organic produce, and higher levels of antioxidants such as phenols and salicylic acid. "Organic plant food overall contain double the amount of phenolic compounds," the researchers wrote.

It is unfortunate that such a controversy has been raked up when consumption of organic foods is increasing significantly. How ever discerning consumers will not be discouraged by this debate as many of them buy organic foods not because they are more nutritious than their normally grown counter parts in the market. On the contrary they will be satisfied if the nutritive content is maintained as in natural foods without any decline. If nutritionally they are better, that could be a bonus!

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