

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Corruption is an attractive way of amassing illegal wealth with least effort and it exists where ever human activities flourish. Normally government servants with powers to dispense favors, are blamed as fountain head of corruption and globally it is being suggested that poorer the country more corrupt is the system prevalent there. There are international agencies ranking countries on a corruption scale based on some mathematical models and most of the developing countries "score" over others in this despicable "business". But corruption in the private sector is rarely heard and it is ironical that such practices are more wide spread in rich countries with bribes reaching astronomical levels. Here is an example from a developed country where tomato industry is embroiled in wide spread corruption for gaining market advantage.

Managers and workers have admitted misbranding food, falsifying records, and "regularly ship[ping] products which, while not a health threat, contained mold count levels that were above the federal regulatory threshold, or which bore altered dates of production or other falsified product information," prosecutors say.

Industry in general has a reputation to guard and consumer confidence is bound to collapse if more and more such bribery cases surface, compromising on food safety and cheating the consumer. There could be many cases of corruption in the purchase area where collusion between the procurement personnel and the vendors can affect the bottom line of the company but as long as it does not compromise the quality or safety of the processed product, it will remain an economic issue to be sorted at the manufacturer's level. In principle corruption at any level is a reprehensible act deserving to be eradicated ruthlessly at any cost.

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