

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Life is full of risks and the ingenuity of man lies in fores seeing such risks to the best of his ability. But beyond a certain point being alert does not make much of a sense and it may even become an obsession. Look at a simple incidence of a child bringing some food to the school, sharing it with the friends and some one getting a little bit sick. Who is to be blamed? The parents of the child who brought the food or that ate the shared food or the school? A difficult situation indeed! Some may feel there should be a school policy. Others may insist on a list of ingredients present in the kids' food brought to the school! Why do we want to add to the problems that we face every day by inventing newer ones and wasting time on finding solutions? Here is a unique view by one of the commentators on the issue.

"Now I'm going to say uncomfortable things. People with special cases and special needs should be looking out for their own special cases and special needs. Are you wildly allergic to something? Do your best to avoid it in life. You can't expect everyone to change their lives to accommodate your situation. The people close to you? Sure. Random strangers? Even if they occasionally share a space with you? Sorry, you're really not that special. Your rights do not supersede the rights of the larger group.Life is a crap shoot, something is going to kill you. Maybe it's a tiger, maybe it's a peanut, maybe it's your blood pressure. In any case, Darwin was right".

Concern shown by the parents is understandable because of the wide spread incidences of allergy prevalent amongst children and some one allergic to gluten or peanut or any other allergen can come to grief if exposed in the school during food sharing. Probably it may be wiser for parents having children with serious allergy to notify the school so that the supervising teachers can keep an extra vigil during lunch or snack time. Banning food sharing in schools will be a foolish move as food is known to be a medium for bonding and forging fellowship amongst children.


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