

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Cell phones have to day become an essential part of modern living and very few can live comfortably without a mobile phone. Though these wireless communication system work on electromagnetic radiations, no one believes yet that continued use of cell phones can cause any harm. But some evidence has recently surfaced questioning the safety of these devices when used for long periods. Through indirect deductions some types of brain tumors have been identified as consequences of cell phone use, probably based on the increased incidences of brain tumor, prevalent in Scandinavian countries where cell phones have been in use since 1990s.

"Some countries have taken action. Norway, Britain and Israel have issued public statements cautioning that cell phones pose a potential health risk, particularly to children and pregnant women. Proposals have been circulated in Europe and the United States to label cell phones and other wireless devices with warnings similar to those on tobacco and alcohol products. France is considering banning cell phone advertising targeted at children younger than 12, and it may outlaw sales of mobile phones that lack earphones. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which doesn't review cell phone safety but can order recalls for them, said current scientific evidence doesn't merit intervention. It does recommend using cell phones sparingly, and always with earphones or a hands-free device. Without doubt, some forms of electromagnetic radiation are harmful. Ultraviolet rays from the sun, X-rays from machines and gamma rays from space contain enough ionizing energy to break strands of DNA, causing mutations that can lead to cancer. Cell phones operate well below such frequencies. They produce non-ionizing radiation that physicists say is too weak to sever the chemical bonds of life. The energy generated by a cell phone is weaker than visible light by a factor of about 1 million, said S.T. Lakshmikumar, a researcher at the National Physical Laboratory in India".

Whether it is true or not, taking precaution is always wiser and international guidelines must be evolved regarding the best way on the usage of cell phones with minimum damage to the users. It makes sense to exclude children and pregnant women from the use of cell phones, as is being followed in many countries, till adequate clarity emerges on the issue.


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