

Friday, November 20, 2009


Australians are always pulled between Asia and the West causing literally an identity crisis for this continent inhabited by the ethnic aborigines and the colonized westerners. It is increasingly being realized that its proximity to Asian countries and the vast market opportunities in countries like China, Thailand, Korea, Vietnam etc are factors that force the country to identify more with the East than the West.

"Australia's food, beverage and grocery industries turn over 100 billion dollars (91 billion U.S. dollars), employ 315,000 Australians and export 25 billion dollars (23 billion U.S. dollars) worth of goods each year, representing 25 percent of total manufactured exports," Byrne was speaking at the Australian Food and Grocery Council Industry Leaders Conference".

How far this country will be able to compete with the three Asia giants China, Japan and India remains to be seen. Technologically Australia is considered more advanced than its Asian counterparts, except may be Japan and this factor may still help it in carving out significant markets in Asia. High consciousness about quality and technical prowess in world class food assessment system are its inherent strength. Sizable population of immigrants from China, India and other Asian neighbors will help it further in establishing itself as a dependable trade partner.

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