

Thursday, November 12, 2009


One of the reasons for over eating has been believed to be location of fast food joints very near to the residential areas and policy makers in some countries even bar setting up new restaurants and eateries in proximity to densely populated places in some of the urban areas. Probably it is common sense that easy availability of food could be a temptation for consumers to eat foods there rather than going through the elaborate process of cooking at home. But common sense need not be dependable always as being proved by new studies that contradict the above presumption.

"Virtually every study in the last two years has blamed neighborhoods for obesity rather than the people who eat too much - but living near a variety of restaurants, convenience stores, supermarkets and even fast food outlets actually lowers your risk for obesity, according to a new study from the University of Utah. Surprisingly, people who live more than a half mile away from any food outlets are the ones who tend to be fatter. The study suggests that placing restrictions on fast food outlets may not be effective, but that initiatives to increase healthy neighborhood food options may reduce individuals' obesity risks, especially if focused on low-income neighborhoods".

Probably there may be some substance in the above finding as people living farther from restaurants may tend to over eat or resort to carrying foods from these eateries for eating at home, being reluctant to frequent the place too often. It is easier said than done when suggestions are made to change the menu at the restaurants in favor of more healthier foods to prevent people developing obesity like disorders. Voluntary efforts to shift the quality of menu in these restaurants in favor of healthier foods may be too slow in coming unless economic initiatives are offered for such a conscious switch.


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