

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


It is rare that a government admits that any of its program is not doing well in spite of massive budgetary provisions made under grandiose plans with little realism. The so called "Mega Food Park" plans envisaged setting up specialized industrial estates with high quality infrastructure for entrepreneurs to move in with minimum hassle so that considerable time is saved in chasing the various agencies to get the required permission and support. Alas, the program seems to have fallen flat in the absence of any determination and perseverance at the ground level by those vested with the task. Here is a take on this issue.

"Your ministry has admitted to non-functionality of most of the mega food parks barring two or three. Will investment still go into this project? Projects like mega food parks are infrastructural projects which take time. There were land related issues which delayed execution. However, we are receiving a lot of interest from the industry. The government has now approved 30 mega food parks. The plan is to have one mega food park in each state and if the proposal is good enough we can even have two parks subject to the availability of space".

Many countries like Singapore, China and others have used this concept very effectively to boost production of value added food products, especially for exports, India seems to have found a way to "fritter" away this opportunity by the heavy bureaucratic muddle associated with government schemes. Imagine how effective and convenient it would be for a spirited entrepreneur to be housed in such a Food Park with common facilities for power, water, waste disposal, quality assessment, storage, marketing and global communication. Unless there is a priority and deep commitment such mega schemes cannot be expected to succeed no matter how much hype is generated!


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