

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Organic food business has been able to capture about 2% of the food market during the last one decade and consumers are increasingly taking to such foods for their daily consumption, in spite of the higher cost tag attached to them. The prevalent belief amongst the public is that organic foods are natural, safe and more nutritious. But in reality these beliefs are not based on reality and at best organic foods may be safe from undesirable extraneous matters unlike normal foods. A number of studies have brought out the fact that organic foods are not more nutritious than normal ones.

In the US where organic food movement originated, the vested authorities to regulate their production and sale have been able to bring clarity regarding what a consumer can expect from a food certified as organic."Marking a food item as organic does not necessarily indicate that the food is healthful and nutritive. The USDA does not claim that food produced organically has more salubrious benefits than conventional food, but it does assure that such foods do not contain any pesticides or harmful chemicals. Therefore, the picky consumers, who pay a lot of heed to nutritional values of everything they eat, are still required to read labels attentively in order to decide how nutritious their diet is going to be. Another interpretation conveys that the term 'organic' does not mean 'natural.' All it means is that USDA has approved the food".

The consumer to day is probably more worried about the safety of marketed foods than the nutritional value but the above clarification must make them alert when they go for shopping next time. An organic 'junk food' is still a junk food with low high caloric density and the consumer therefore should not be carried away by the organic label! Probably there may be a need to label organic foods with low caloric density separately to help the consumer pick the right food from the market shelf.


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