

Monday, January 4, 2010


Taking multivitamin supplements is a controversial issue as many medical experts and nutritionists have severe doubts about the need for such a practice, most commonly found in rich countries where consumers can afford buying them regularly. According to a report ridiculing such habits, regular consumption of multivitamins helps only the "physical" health of the cock roaches that make the sewage lines their habitat, as most of the excess vitamins are excreted through urine. Besides this also improves the "financial" health of the pharma industry which manufactures these pills!

"Americans love vitamins. About half of adults take a daily multivitamin, according to industry data. And according to some theories, the economic downturn has inspired them to fortify themselves by swallowing more. Sales over the last decade had been growing by about 4 percent annually. But this year, as more people are taking their health into their own hands, perhaps hoping to stave off doctor bills, vitamin sales are expected to grow by 8 percent to a total of $9.2 billion, according to Nutrition Business Journal, a market researcher and publisher".

The irrelevance of regular popping of vitamins is all the more clear when one realizes that almost all processed foods in the US are "fortified" with vitamins by the food industry, supposedly to make good any losses incurred during the manufacturing process. It is universally established that a normal healthy individual consuming a balanced diet based on diverse food materials gets all the requirements of vitamins in sufficient quantities to lead a good quality life. In special cases like pregnancy extra need for Folic acid and Omega-3 acids is indicated. Innumerable studies have pointed out that intake of high levels of vitamins can prove dangerous in many cases.


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